It’s a yellow flag again….amazing we have not seen a green flag all summer! There is a good big of algae today, but nothing like what we saw in June. It’s so funny how much it really can change from day to day….one day green, next day clear!
Some friends of ours staying in nearby High Pointe on 30-A swore they saw with binoculars from the top floor, a big patch of reddish oil out past the second sandbar, but it just floated slowly on by all day long. Other than that, I really haven’t seen hide nor hair of that ding dang oil spill! Woohoo for West End PCB! 😛 (Not to belittle everyone else’s troubles, but I’m just happy about it.)
Review the Panama City Beach flag warning system »
For up to the minute reports on the flag and beach conditions, call 850-233-5000.