The Beach and Surf Patrol report the Beach Flags are YELLOW AND PURPLE today, August 26, 2019.
What does a Purple flag mean in Panama City Beach?
Purple means DANGEROUS MARINE LIFE! This could be anything from stinging jellyfish to sharks.
A YELLOW flag means MEDIUM HAZARD: Moderate Surf and/or Strong Currents
There have been at least 10 drownings so far in 2019. Always be careful and respect the warning flags.
Always be sure to check the actual flag at the beach prior to entering the water! Remember to always swim with caution and, an absence of flags DOES NOT mean the water is safe.
We’ll update the status the next time a change in flag color is reported by the Beach and Surf Patrol. Always remember that you have to check the actual flag at the beach before entering the water.
Depending on what end of the beach they start on, it can sometimes be a few hours before the flags are changed on this end of the beach.
Always swim with caution and remember, an absence of flags doesn’t mean the water is safe.